What is RLCC's Vision Frame?

Bong Baylon

Last Update há 2 anos

RLCC has one Vision Frame. A Vision Frame is composed of four important categories that define who we are and what we do. This includes our Mission, our Marks of Success, our Method, and our Motivations.

Our Mission

We have one common Mission - To help each one experience real life in Christ together with others in a Christian community. We define real life in Christ as living with God for others, which is the kind of life that God intends for all of us to experience. It’s a life characterized by love for God as well as love for others, which can only come from a transformed and transforming heart. (See Matthew 22:34-40)

Our Marks of Success

We can know if we are succeeding if we can see an increasing number of people from various sectors of society experiencing real life in Christ together with others in various Christian Communities located in various places. A Christian Community is a small or medium-sized group of disciples of Jesus Christ (from 5 to 25 people, but not too many) where the presence, power, and purpose of Christ are being fulfilled in and through each one in the context of their actual lives in the real world.

Our Method

Our method is called “Communityship,” which is the process of creating Christian Communities through committed spiritual leaders and members by means of the word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit. This process involves three ongoing activities: Discipleship, Nurturing Relationships, and Apostolic Mission. This is also the DNA of RLCC!

Discipleship is all about teaching people how to follow Jesus every day together with others. Nurturing Relationships is all about teaching them how to initiate, grow, maintain, and deepen life-giving relationships with one another and in their families to create environments for spiritual transformation. Apostolic Mission is all about teaching people how to use their spiritual gifts and talents to fulfill God’s purpose for their lives. (See Acts 2:42-47)

"Communityship" also involves Seven Ministry Steps.

  1. Attraction - We G.O. and build connections with all kinds of people through various means such as events, outreaches, and even online tools.
  2. Conversion - We B.R.I.N.G. people to Jesus Christ by helping them understand the Gospel so that they can make a decision to follow Him together with others.
  3. Assimilation - We J.O.I.N. followers of Christ into our communities so that they can experience the presence, power, and purpose of Christ in and through each one.
  4. Spiritual Transformation - We B.U.I.L.D. each person’s faith so that they can grow and become mature in Christ together with others.
  5. Ministry Deployment - We S.P.O.T. those who are faithful in their soul-keeping practices and mobilize them for various works of ministry.
  6. Leadership Development - We T.R.A.I.N. those who are faithful and fruitful in their ministry so that they can lead others to become like them also.
  7. Mission - We S.E.N.D. out faithful and fruitful leaders to start new ministries in order to fulfill their grander vision either inside or outside the church.

To determine if our people are growing, we look for Seven Rubrics in the lives of all of our members through what we call "The Real Life Journey".

Phase 1 - Change of Affections - Our members are growing in their love for the word of God, the worship of God and prayer, and also for the people of God in RLCC.

Phase 2 - Increasing Commitment - Our members are identifying themselves as actual members of RLCC, becoming part of its life and ministry over time.

Phase 3 - Identity in and Intimacy with Christ - Our members are finding their true worth or value not in external things, other people, or the things of this world, but in Christ alone.

Phase 4 - Life-giving Relationships - Our members are prioritizing life-giving relationships in their families, in their small groups, in RLCC as a whole, and with the lost.

Phase 5 - Stewardship Habits - Our members are learning to manage (or steward) their time, talents, and treasures to honor and worship God.

Phase 6 - People-Oriented Ministry - Our members are now serving God by actually ministering to people's felt and real needs according to their gifts and talents, not just performing tasks.

Phase 7 - Spiritual Leadership - Our members are becoming faithful and fruitful spiritual leaders who can live, love, and lead like Jesus wherever they are.

Our Motivations

We are motivated by one common set of motivations. First of all, we are motivated by Faith in the Gospel. The Gospel or Good News is this: Through faith in Jesus Christ alone, anyone can experience a life that is so much better than the best life this world can ever offer. Second, we are motivated by Hope in the New Creation. It starts now through the work of the Holy Spirit in and through His people and in the church, but it will one day climax in the creation of a new heaven and new earth. Last but not the least, we are motivated by Love for God and Others. This love comes from God, first of all. But because of this love, we are motivated to love God and others as well. (See 1 John 4:7-12)

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