How is RLCC Organized?

Bong Baylon

Last Update 2 years ago

RLCC has a simple organizational structure. We are organized by various teams. Each team is governed by the same "Vision Frame," the same set of "Values," and the same set of distinctive biblical "Beliefs," as everyone else. 

We are also organized in terms of processes based on our "Vision Frame," not functions or positions. For example, our "Mission" is to help each person to experience real life in Christ together with others in and through Real Life Christian Communities. All our processes, therefore, are related to our "Mission." This is also true for the other categories of our "Vision Frame."

The overall leadership team responsible for defining, guarding, and implementing our "Vision Frame," our "Values," and our "Beliefs," is called the "Spiritual Leadership Team" or SLT for short. The SLT is composed of pastors led by our Senior Pastor, Dr. Bong Baylon. Below them are different kinds of Ministry Teams.

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