What does it mean to be a member of RLCC?

Bong Baylon

Last Update 2 år siden

It's easy to become a member of RLCC. You have three choices. It's up to you how you would want to be involved.

Be an Attendee

Just attend any of our Places of Grace, whether online or on-site, whether big or small, whenever you are available and wherever you are. This is already a sign that you want to be part of RLCC and we welcome you.

Click here to attend one of our Places of Grace.

Be a Small Group Member

If you want to be more involved, you can join a Small Group. We have different kinds of Small Groups that you can join.

  1. Share Group - This type of group is for those who can only attend Sunday Worship Celebrations and/or Daily Devotions. This group is open to all regardless of their spiritual status or membership in RLCC. People can join this group at any time.
  2. Study Group - This type of group is for those who want to study either the Basic Equipping Courses, Bible Knowledge Series. or RightNow Media as a group. Because there is studying involved, you must be willing to commit yourself to study. Also, you must join this group when the study starts. Otherwise, you might miss some of the lessons.
  3. Health Group - This type of group is for those who want to go through the Keys to Real Life Seminar, a seminar for redeeming one's past, as a group. Although it is not required, it is preferable that you have already surrendered your life to Jesus Christ (i.e., you are a Born Again Christian). Also, you need to join this group at the start of the seminar.
  4. Help Group - This type of group is for those who need help with their specific needs. Examples: Wives of OFWs, Parents of Disabled Children, Recovering Alcoholics, etc. As a group, you will study an appropriate course from RightNow Media depending on your need. This is open to all. It is preferable that you join this group at the start of the process.
  5. Task Group - This type of group is for those who want to serve in some kind of common ministry while studying at the same time. Examples: Praise Team, Ushers, Prayer Team, etc. As a group, you will study either the Basic Equipping Courses, Bible Knowledge Series, or RightNow Media. This is open only to those who are in ministry in RLCC. It is preferable that you join this group at the start.
  6. Life Group - This type of group is only for members of RLCC who are willing to practice the promises of a Promise Keeper (i.e., willing to fulfill the PROMISE) and pursue spiritual formation together with others. As a group, you will study either the Basic Equipping Courses, Bible Knowledge Series, or RightNow Media. Individually, you will study the Gospel of Luke. You need to join this group when it starts.
  7. Lead Group - This type of group is only for members of RLCC who want to become leaders or who want to grow in their leadership. As a group, you will study Spiritual Formation Courses and practice them together with others. Individually, you will study the Book of Acts. You need to join this group at the start. You also need to have had LIFE Group experience for at least one term (six months).

Click here to join a Small Group.

Be a P.R.O.M.I.S.E. Keeper

The P.R.O.M.I.S.E. is an acrostic that represents the seven commitments of a deeply-involved RLCC Member. They are as follows:

  1. Prioritize and participate in the life and ministry of RLCC
  2. Reach out to others
  3. Obtain adequate training
  4. Maintain godliness and holiness
  5. Invest in God's kingdom through giving and sharing
  6. Serve in the ministry together with others
  7. Encourage others to fulfill these promises

Click here to contact one of our pastors if you want to become a Promise Keeper.

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